Meets Biweekly on Thursdays, 1:00-2:00 PM, Lillie 103

MBL Micro-Eco Discussion Group, Fall 2022

Zoom: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:  https://mbl.zoom.us/j/93953746766?pwd=bURHK1dLdWRUMnRoWFZqajJDd1A0Zz09 

Announcements weekly will be via the microeco listserve. People can sign themselves up at: https://lists.mbl.edu/mailman/listinfo/microeco

To sign up for a date to lead, please go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pQ6ab14a_5nWpY-GSUD-XnkX3b2gi7Fn5QDEUcQMd3Q/edit?usp=sharing

All welcome - please spread the word to anyone you think may not have heard about MicroEco: new postdocs, UChicago, WHOI, Woodwell, Fisheries, whomever interested in microbes, anywhere.


Sept. 29___Joe Vineis (diatom bloom dynamics)__________

Oct. 13 __Inke Forbrich and Zoe Cardon -- methane puzzle in Typha marsh______

Oct. 27 _________________

Nov. 10 __Maggi Brisbin (WHOI)___________

Nov. 27 (Thanksgiving)

Dec. 8 __Sherly Pérez Castro (practice for AGU talk)